ICPE-9800 Series

Shimadzu's ICPE-9800 Series of simultaneous ICP atomic emission spectrometers are next-generation systems that offer the superior accuracy necessary to simultaneously and quickly analyze multiple elements regardless of their concentration levels. They also feature user-friendly software that makes analysis easy. Furthermore, the systems reduce analysis costs while providing the highest performance levels in the industry. ICPE-9800 Series systems represent the ultimate in ICP atomic emission spectrometry for environmental, pharmaceutical, food, chemical, metal, and other fields.

- Food
- Environmental
- Pharmaceutical
- Chemical/Petrochemical
- Metal/Electrical/Electronics
- Food Environmental Pharmaceutical Chemical/Petrochemical Metal/Electrical/Electronics
System Design Helps Ensure Maximum Performance
- Photometric System Highly Suitable for the Analysis of a Wide Variety of Samples
- Leading-Edge CCD Detector with One Million Pixels Capable of Simultaneous Recording of All Wavelengths
- Three Features Reduce Gas Consumption by Half
- ICPE Solution Software
ICPEsolution Software Ensures a Smoother Analysis Process
- ICPEsolution Software Ensures That Analysis Can Be Started Smoothly
- Acquisition for All Wavelengths and Assistant Functions Ensure