Mass Spectral Libraries

Industry-standard NIST and Wiley libraries are indispensable tools for all GC/MS users. Additional libraries for environmental, forensic, clinical, and flavor/fragrance applications are also valuable search tools for the specific fields of study.
Creation of user-generated libraries is easy using Shimadzu's GCMSsolution software, and import / export of mass spectra from different libraries is an additional convenient function.
With Shimadzu's GCMSsolution software, library searches can be based on mass spectrum, chemical name, CAS number, molecular formula, and several other parameters.
- NIST Mass Spectral Library
- Wiley Registry™ of Mass Spectral Data
- NIST/Wiley combination library
- Pesticides MS Library: EI and NCI spectra with linear retention indices for 500+ pesticides
- Metabolites MS Library: EI and CI spectra with linear retention indices for 250+ amino acids, fatty acids, and organic acids related to metabolites
- FFNSC2 MS Library: 3,000+ spectra of natural and synthetic products related to flavors and fragrances, such as essential oils and perfumes
- Designer Drugs MS Library: 13,000+ spectra for designer or medicinal drugs, CWAs, and explosives
- Maurer, Pfleger, Weber MS Library: 7,800+ spectra for drugs, pesticides, and poisons
- Benzodiazepines MS Library: EI spectra for benzodiazepine, and its derivatives and metabolites