
  1. NEW

    Webinar: Reduce Your GC Analysis Time with Your Existing Instrumentation

    Wed, Nov 18, 2020 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM EST

    In this webinar, Jaap de Zeeuw will share with you various ways you can
  2. NEW

    Webinar: GC Analysis of Water as Component or Components Having Water as Matrix

    Free webinar, available on demand

    Water is considered a difficult component to analyze. Many think water should not be injected into a GC capillary

  3. WEBINAR: Did You Know THC Has Isomers?

    In the crush to develop analytical methods for the various active ingredients of cannabis, some people may have overlooked that THC is present as two

  4. WEBINAR: Analyzing Mycotoxins in CBD Oil: A Simple Workflow Solution from Restek

    A growing need is emerging for testing to detect the presence of mycotoxins in both raw plant materials and finished cannabis products in order to

  5. LC-MS/MS Analysis of Urinary Free Cortisol and Cortisone without Matrix Interferences

    Cortisol is a steroid hormone synthesized from cholesterol by a multienzyme cascade in the adrenal glands. It is the main glucocorticoid in humans and plays

  6. Try This Fast, Accurate LC-MS/MS Method for Folate Deficiency Biomarkers in Plasma

    Folate deficiency is considered a risk factor for a wide range of human health problems, including neural tube defects in newborns, cardiovascular diseases, Alzheimer’s disease,

  7. Definitive EtG/EtS LC-MS/MS Analysis: A Rugged 4-Min Method for High-Throughput Labs

    Methods for monitoring alcohol consumption biomarkers EtG and EtS are generally limited by poor retention and coelution with matrix interferences, as well as by long

  8. Definitive EtG/EtS LC-MS/MS Analysis: A Rugged 4-Min Method for High-Throughput Labs

    Methods for monitoring alcohol consumption biomarkers EtG and EtS are generally limited by poor retention and coelution with matrix interferences, as well as by long

  9. Simplified Methylmalonic Acid Analysis without Derivatization in Human Plasma by LC-MS/MS

    Restek has developed a simplified method to overcome the obstacles of methylmalonic acid analysis.

  10. Save time and money by finding the right GC columns fast!

    Whether you are beginning method development or running a routine procedure, chances are good that you are using a 1-, 5-, or wax-type gas chromatography
